Hours of Service
You may download the following timesheets and print them for use within your company. You may not modify or resell these timesheets.
The timesheets are all in PDF format so you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them.
Grid format — 7 days per page |
Horizontal Chart format — 4 days per page |
Vertical Chart format — 2 days per page |
Pre-trip Inspections
Schedule 1 for Trucks, Tractors and Trailers. This copy of the schedule includes defects codes that can be entered when defects are found. The schedule is on 2 pages and can be printed back to back and laminated to keep in the truck. A 3rd page includes instructions and notes.
Schedule 1 (Current to June 19, 2020)
Schedule 2 is for Buses and Trailers drawn by Buses. This copy of the schedule includes defect codes that can be entered when defects are found. It includes instructions and notes. The schedule itself is 2.5 pages.